Courses customized for your employees!
Your company should have policies, procedures and training materials build around your company's specific needs.
  ...And that's exactly what we do!
Course Development
Safety Training
About F.T.I.
Community Based Classes
Course Development
Re-entry Programs
Our team of Developers can revitalize your current policies by updating needed areas, improving on content, modifying existing format, deleting obsolete material and enhancing the overall appearance of your work.

Or, we can completely develop new policies and procedures based on your employees and industry needs.

Not sure which option is best for you? Give us a call and we will be happy to schedule a free consultation.

Employee training material that is relevant, visual stimulating, easy-to-read and comprehendable will:

...aiming to EXCEED your expectations!
© 2014 Felts Training Institute P: 719-400-9143 P.O.Box 540031 Grand Prairie, TX. 75054
Workforce training: 719-400-9143
Community classes: 404-993-2844
   Mon. - Sat. 9:00 am- 5:00 pm
   Sunday Closed